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Mo's Natural Solutions Coral Jasmine Essential Oil Nigeria

Coral Jasmine Essential Oil

Botanical name: Nyctanthes arbor-tristisPlant part: LeavesCultivation: Wild harvestedExtraction: Steam distillation

Origin Country: Thailand

Size: 10ml

Product color: Reddish orange/brown

Aroma profile: Sweet, fresh, floral with subtle earthy, soft green, sweet-herbaceous

Perfumery note: Top to middle

Consistency: Medium

Shelf life: 3-4 years

Extraction date: Nov. 2023


Product description:

Coral Jasmine aka Night flowering Jasmine or Lover's Tree is a shrub or small tree in the species Nyctanthes native to areas stretching from Northern Pakistan, Nepal, Northern India to Southeast Thailand known locally as Parijat or Harshiangar.Although it is from the same plant family Oleaceae as true Jasmine officinale and it’s highly sought after cultivars; Jasmine grandiflorum (Jasminus officinalis var grandiflora) and Jasmine sambac (Jasminus officinalis var sambac) which produce Absolutes and not Essential Oils, they are totally different species so it is therefore techincally not a true Jasmine.However its aroma is very Jasmine like, though a bit stronger and sweeter than the delicate glory of the uber expensive and rare true Jasmine.Every part of the tree from the leaves, bark and flowers to the seed and stem have been used in various traditional and alternative healing practices for many Millenia due to the abundance of medicinal benefits attributed to them.

Blends well with:Essential oils of Bergamot, Lemon, Mandarin, Petitgrain, Tangerine and other Citrus, Cypress, Lavender, Neroli, Mysore Sandalwood, Ruh Khus, Tulsi, Ylang Ylang


Note: Product colors and aroma profiles are intended to represent the typical and approximate color and scent of each oil. However, both can vary based on harvesting, distillation and other factors. These variations should not affect the efficacy of the product.

For therapeutic, skin and haircare properties and benefits of Coral Jasmine Essential Oil go here

Diffusion: Add a few drops of Coral Jasmine Essential Oil to an ultrasonic diffuser or diffuser bracelet

You can also create a blend with one or more EOs of Helichrysum, Jamarosa, Hyssop, Wild Carrot Seed, or Rosewood etc. to incorporate other benefits you may require, make a stronger blend or just to layer different scent notes and create a rounder or preferred aroma.

Topical: To use topically for its healing benefits, add 2-5 drops of Coral Jasmine Essential Oil to a tablespoon/15ml of base oil or shea butter and apply 2-3 times daily or as needed to affected area

Add 10 drops to 50ml of a light easy absorbent oil for a relaxing, soothing massage.

For an even stronger blend add one or more EOs e.g., Tulsi, Frankincense, Ginger Lilly, Winter Cherry or Rosemary without exceeding the 5 drops of EO for topical use or 10 drops per 50ml maximums for a massage oil.

Skincare: Coral Jasmine Essential Oil is suitable for all skin types. 

Directions: Create a moisturizer with Coral Jasmine EO diluted at a rate not exceeding 6 drops when using alone or in total when adding other EOs e.g. SandalwoodRed Mandarin, Balsam Gurjun, Citriodora Eucalyptus or Myrrh as well in a blend per 30ml of a complementary Carrier oil e.g. Barbary Fig Seed, Goji Berry, Blackcurrant Seed Oil, an existing serum, lotion or any other preferred base before applying on the skin.

Hair Care: Add to a shampoo/conditioner, hair oil/cream or as part of a hot oil treatment and massage into hair to condition, wrap a towel on hair and leave for 20mins, then rinse off. 



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